If you’re feeling self-conscious about your smile, Top Doc Clinics Miami
offers a broad range of dental treatments that can renew your appearance.
We can help whiten, straighten, and reshape your teeth so you can smile
like the stars. We can also correct your bite so you can speak clearer,
drool less when you’re sleeping, and chew more efficiently.
Laser Facials
Laser facials or laser resurfacing is a safe and effective cosmetic procedure to clean and rejuvenate your skin. At Top Doc Clinics in Miami, FL, we offer professional laser facial treatments that effectively remove scars, wrinkles, blemishes, and hyperpigmentation.
Perfect oral health includes making sure your teeth are not only healthy but also function correctly together with the surrounding structures. Maxillofacial surgery or oral surgery can effectively treat many injuries, diseases, and defects in the jaw, face, neck, and soft tissues of the mouth.
Surgical Treatments, Implants & Veneers
If you want to say goodbye to dental imperfections and get that beautiful white smile you’ve always wanted, at Top Doc Clinics in Miami, FL, we have solutions. Surgical treatments, implants, and veneers are just a few of the dental procedures.